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2020 Wildfires Support Page

In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 brings with it a historic season of destruction and disaster due to wildfires in Oregon. Many of our neighbors are suffering from tremendous losses including their homes, their businesses, their towns, their loved ones, and their sense of place. It is in times like this that we see acts of kindness and service from businesses and people across our community, and we want to do our part to help those impacted.

Many of our neighbors had to evacuate their homes with little to no notice or time to pack, leaving behind memories in computers, external hard drives, and other storage devices. Many of the photos and important documents stored on these devices are gone forever, but we hope that recover a few of them.

We are offering our services free of charge to anybody who was displaced by the wildfires. Whether you have a laptop, an SD card, or an external hard drive, we will do whatever we can to recover the data from it and get it back into your hands safely.

Please call us 541-249-7771 or e-mail office{at} to get started.*

THANK YOU to all the first responders who are battling these fires and everybody else who is pitching in whatever way they can to help.

PS Please note that this is available while supplies last and at our discretion.

Don't wait until it's too late, call us for a free quote!Get started